Much Ado About NadaMuch Ado About Nada
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Book, 2023
Current format, Book, 2023, First edition, Available now.eBook
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"On the cusp of thirty, she's still living at home with her brothers and parents in the Golden Crescent neighborhood of Toronto, resolutely ignoring her mother's unsubtle pleas to get married already. And while Nada has a good job as an engineer, it's a far cry from realizing her dreams for her tech baby, Ask Apa, the app that launched with a whimper instead of a bang because of the double-crossing of he-who-must-not-be-named. Something needs to change, but the past is holding on to Nada too tightly to let her move forward. One thing Nada is excited about is her friend Haleema's recent engagement. Haleema insists they meet, and what better opportunity than at the massive Muslim conference in downtown Toronto run by her fiancé Zayn's family?"--
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- New York : Berkley Romance, 2023.
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